7K4B blog



  • primitive
using ll=long long; using ld=long double; using bo=bool; using ch=char; using st=string; using bi=bitset<1>; using ull=unsigned long long;
  • container
template<class T>using ve=vector<T>; template<class T>using de=deque<T>; template<class T>using se=set<T>;
using vl=ve<ll>; using vd=ve<ld>; using vc=ve<ch>; using vs=ve<st>; using vb=ve<bi>;


  • pair, triple, quadruple
template<class T1, class T2>struct tuple2{ T1 a; T2 b; tuple2():a(),b(){} tuple2(T1 c, T2 d) { a=c,b=d; } auto operator<=>(const tuple2&) const=default; };
template<class T1, class T2, class T3>struct tuple3{ T1 a; T2 b; T3 c; tuple3():a(),b(),c(){} tuple3(T1 d, T2 e, T3 f) { a=d,b=e,c=f; } auto operator<=>(const tuple3&) const=default; };
template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>struct tuple4{ T1 a; T2 b; T3 c; T4 d; tuple4():a(),b(),c(),d(){} tuple4(T1 e, T2 f, T3 g, T4 h) { a=e,b=f,c=g,d=h; } auto operator<=>(const tuple4&) const=default; };
template<class T1, class T2>using pa=tuple2<T1,T2>; template<class T1, class T2, class T3>using tri=tuple3<T1,T2,T3>; template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>using quad=tuple4<T1,T2,T3,T4>;


#define all(c) (c).begin(),(c).end()                                             // begin to end
#define allr(c) (c).rbegin(),(c).rend()                                          // begin to end reverse
#define debug(...) { cerr<<#__VA_ARGS__<<" = ";DEBUG(__VA_ARGS__); }             // debug
#define debug1d(c) fori(x,0,lsz(c)) { cerr<<'['<<x<<']'<<c[x]; } DEBUG();        // debug1d
#define debug2d(c) fori(y,0,lsz(c)) { cerr<<'['<<y<<']'<<sp; debug1d(c[y]); }    // debug2d
#define fori1(i,c) for(ll i=0;i<lsz(c);i++)                                      // for index container
#define fori2(i,f,l) for(ll i=f;i<l;i++)                                         // for index f to l
#define fori_overload(a,b,c,x,...) x                                             // for index overload
#define fori_args(a) fori_overload a                                             // for index args
#define fori(...) fori_args((__VA_ARGS__,fori2,fori1,~))(__VA_ARGS__)            // for index
#define forir1(i,c) for(ll i=lsz(c)-1;-1<i;i--)                                  // for index container reverse
#define forir2(i,f,l) for(ll i=f;l<i;i--)                                        // for index f to l reverse
#define forir_overload(a,b,c,x,...) x                                            // for index overload reverse
#define forir_args(a) forir_overload a                                           // for index args reverse
#define forir(...) fori_args((__VA_ARGS__,forir2,forir1,~))(__VA_ARGS__)         // for index reverse
#define forx_overload(a,b,c,d,x,...) x                                           // for each overload
#define forx_args(a) forx_overload a                                             // for each args
#define forx(...) forx_args((__VA_ARGS__,forx3,forx2,forx1,~))(__VA_ARGS__)      // for each
#define forx1(x,c) for(auto& x:c)                                                // for each x
#define forx2(x,y,c) for(auto& [x,y]:c)                                          // for each xy                          
#define forx3(x,y,z,c) for(auto& [x,y,z]:c)                                      // for each xyz
#define forx_overload(a,b,c,d,x,...) x                                           // for each overload
#define forx_args(a) forx_overload a                                             // for each args
#define forx(...) forx_args((__VA_ARGS__,forx3,forx2,forx1,~))(__VA_ARGS__)      // for each
#define forxr1(x,c) for(auto& x:adaptors::reverse(c))                            // for each x reverse
#define forxr2(x,y,c) for(auto& [x,y]:adaptors::reverse(c))                      // for each xy reverse
#define forxr3(x,y,z,c) for(auto& [x,y,z]:adaptors::reverse(c))                  // for each xyz reverse
#define forxr_overload(a,b,c,d,x,...) x                                          // for each overload
#define forxr_args(a) forx_overload a                                            // for each args
#define forxr(...) forxr_args((__VA_ARGS__,forxr3,forxr2,forxr1,~))(__VA_ARGS__) // for each
#define lam(...) =[&](__VA_ARGS__)->                                             // lambda
#define lamb [&]                                                                 // lambda begin
#define lame ()                                                                  // lambda end
#define inll(...) ll __VA_ARGS__; IN(__VA_ARGS__);                               // input ll
#define inld(...) ld __VA_ARGS__; IN(__VA_ARGS__);                               // input ld
#define inch(...) ch __VA_ARGS__; IN(__VA_ARGS__);                               // input ch
#define instr(...) str __VA_ARGS__; IN(__VA_ARGS__);                             // input str
#define indl(name,sz) dl name(sz); IN(name);                                     // input dl
#define invl(name,sz) vl name(sz); IN(name);                                     // input vl
#define inves(name,sz) vs name(sz); IN(name);                                    // input ves
#define invvl(name,y,x) vvl name(y,vl(x)); IN(name);                             // input vevell
#define invpll(name,sz,afix,bfix) vpll name(sz); INVP(name,afix,bfix);           // input vepall
#define in_graph(name,vsz,esz,vifix) graph name(vsz); ING(name,esz,vifix);                         // input graph
#define in_directed_graph(name,vsz,esz,vifix) graph<ll> name(vsz); INDG(name,esz,vifix);           // input directed graph
#define in_weighted_graph(name,vsz,esz,vifix) graph<ll> name(ndsz); INWG(name,esz,vifix);          // input weighted graph
#define in_weighted_directed_graph(name,vsz,esz,vifix) graph<ll> name(vsz); INWDG(name,esz,vifix); // input weighted directed graph 



  • at
template<class T>auto at(T& c, ll i, ll r=0){ if(r==-1) return (i<0)?c[-i-1]:c[lsize(c)-1-i]; return (i<0)?c[lsize(c)+i]:c[i]; }
template<class T>auto atr(T& c, ll i, ll r=0){ return (r==-1)?at(c,i):at(c,-i-1); }

auto at(T& c, ll i, ll r=0): r=0のとき先頭[0]末尾[-1]として取得しr=1のとき末尾[0]先頭[-1]として取得する
auto atr(T& c, ll i, ll r=0): r=0のとき先頭[-1]末尾[0]として取得しr=1のとき先頭[0]末尾[-1]として取得する

  • bit
ll bpopcnt(ll x){ return popcount((unsigned long long)x); }
bo btest(ll x, ll i){ return (62<i)?0:x&(1ll<<i); }
void bset(ll& x, ll i, bo b){ (b)?x|=(1ll<<i):x&=~(1ll<<i); }

ll bpopcnt(ll x); C++20のpopcountと同じだが引数をll型で受け取ることが出来る
bo btest(ll x, ll i); 整数xのi番目ビットが0か1か返す
void bset(ll& x, ll i, bo b); 整数xのi番目ビットをb=0/1にセットする

  • get
template<ll i, class T1, class T2>auto& get(const pa<T1,T2>& p) { return (i==0)?p.a:p.b; }
template<ll i, class T1, class T2, class T3>auto& get(const tri<T1,T2,T3>& t) { return (i==0)?t.a:(i==1)?t.b:t.c; }
template<ll i, class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>auto& get(const quad<T1,T2,T3,T4>& q) { return (i==0)?q.a:(i==1)?q.b:(i==2)?q.c:q.d; }

pa, tri, quad型のi番目の要素を取得する(std::getのオーバーロード

  • in
void in(){}
template<class H, class ... T>void in(H& head, T& ... tail){ cin >> head; in(tail...); }
template<class T, class U>void in(pa<T,U>& t){ cin>>t.a>>t.b; }
template<class T>void in(ve<T>& v){ for(auto& e:v) in(e); }
template<class T, class U>void invp(ve<pa<T,U>>& v){ for(auto& e:v) in(e.a,e.b); }
void ing(graph<ll>& g, ll ndsz, ll edsz, ll ndfix) { g.resize(ndsz); rep(e,0,edsz) { ll i,j; cin>>i>>j,i+=ndfix,j+=ndfix,g[i].push_back({j,1}),g[j].push_back({i,1}); } }
void indg(graph<ll>& g, ll ndsz, ll edsz, ll ndfix) { g.resize(ndsz); rep(e,0,edsz) { ll i,j; cin>>i>>j,i+=ndfix,j+=ndfix,g[i].push_back({j,1});} }
void inwg(graph<ll>& g, ll ndsz, ll edsz, ll ndfix) { g.resize(ndsz); rep(e,0,edsz) { ll i,j,c; cin>>i>>j>>c,i+=ndfix,j+=ndfix,g[i].push_back({j,c}),g[j].push_back({i,c}); } }
void inwdg(graph<ll>& g, ll ndsz, ll edsz, ll ndfix) { g.resize(ndsz); rep(e,0,edsz) { ll i,j,c; cin>>i>>j>>c,i+=ndfix,j+=ndfix,g[i].push_back({j,c}); } }


  • orange
template <class T> bool orange(ll x, ve<T>& v) { return (x<0||ll(v.size())<= x); }
template <class T> bool orange(ll y, ll x, ve<ve<T>>& v) { return (y<0||ll(v.size())<=y||x<0||ll(v[y].size())<=x); }


  • out
void out(){ cout<<en; }
template<class H, class ... T>void out(H head, T ... tail){ cout<<fixed<<setprecision(8)<<head; out(tail...); }
template <class C> void outsp(C& c){ for(auto& e:c) cout<<e<<sp; cout<<en; }
template <class C> void outel(C& c){ for(auto& e:c) cout<<e<<en; }


  • pop, push
auto pop(auto& c, ll i=inf){ auto r=c[(i==inf)?lsize(c)-1:i]; if(i!=inf)rep(j,i+1,lsize(c)) c[j-1]=c[j]; c.pop_back(); return r; }
void push(auto& c, auto x, ll i=inf){ return (i!=inf)?(void)c.insert(c.begin()+i,x):c.push_back(x); }

auto pop(auto& c, ll i=inf): cのi番目要素をpopする
void push(auto& c, auto x, ll i=inf): cのi番目に値xをpushする

  • tsort
template<ll i, class T>void tsort(T b, T e) { sort(b,e,[&](const auto& l, const auto& r){return get<i>(l)<get<i>(r);}); }


  • trim
template <class T> T trim(T& c, ll l, ll r) { T t; umin(r,lsize(c)); rep(i,l,r) push(t,c[i]); return t; }



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#include <atcoder/all>
using namespace atcoder;
#define BOOST
#ifdef BOOST
#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>
#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_dec_float.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptors.hpp>
using namespace boost;
using mpi=multiprecision::cpp_int;
using mpf=multiprecision::cpp_dec_float_100;

using ll=long long; using ld=long double; using ch=char; using bo=bool; using vo=void; 
using ull=unsigned long long; using str=string; template<class T> using vec=vector<T>; template<class T> using deq=deque<T>;
using dbit=dynamic_bitset<>; template<class T>using uset=unordered_set<T>; template<class A, class B> using umap=unordered_map<A,B>;
using cll=const ll; using cld=const ld; using cch=const ch; using cbo=const bo; using cull=const ull; using cstr=const str;
template<class T, class U>struct tuple2 { T a; U b; tuple2():a(),b(){} tuple2(T c, U d) { a=c,b=d; } auto operator<=>(const tuple2&) const=default; tuple2& operator=(const pair<T,U>& r) { a=r.first,b=r.second; return *this; } tuple2(pair<T,U> p):a(p.first),b(p.second){} operator pair<T,U>() const { return pair<T,U>{a,b}; } };
template<class T, class U, class V>struct tuple3 { T a; U b; V c; tuple3():a(),b(),c(){} tuple3(T d, U e, V f) { a=d,b=e,c=f; } auto operator<=>(const tuple3&) const=default; };
template<class T1, class T2, class T3, class T4>struct tuple4 { T1 a; T2 b; T3 c; T4 d; tuple4():a(),b(),c(),d(){} tuple4(T1 e, T2 f, T3 g, T4 h) { a=e,b=f,c=g,d=h; } auto operator<=>(const tuple4&) const=default; };
template<class T1, class T2>using pai=tuple2<T1,T2>; template<class T1, class T2, class T3>using tri=tuple3<T1,T2,T3>; template<class T, class U, class V, class W>using qua=tuple4<T,U,V,W>;
using pll=pai<ll,ll>; using psl=pai<str,ll>; using tlll=tri<ll,ll,ll>; using qllll=qua<ll,ll,ll,ll>;
using vl=vec<ll>; using vc=vec<ch>; using vb=vec<bitset<1>>; using vs=vec<str>; using vpll=vec<pll>; using vtlll=vec<tlll>;
using dl=deque<ll>; using dc=deque<ch>; using ds=deque<str>;
using sl=set<ll>; using sc=set<ch>; using ss=set<str>;
using mll=map<ll,ll>; using mlb=map<ll,bo>; using mcc=map<ch,ch>; using mcl=map<ch,ll>; using mss=map<str,str>;
using vvl=vec<vl>;
struct edge { ll vi=ll(); ll ex=ll(); }; using graph=vector<vector<edge>>;
bo operator!(bitset<1> b) { return b==false; }
#define all(c) (c).begin(),(c).end()                                             // begin to end
#define allr(c) (c).rbegin(),(c).rend()                                          // begin to end reverse
#define debug(...) { cerr<<#__VA_ARGS__<<" = ";DEBUG(__VA_ARGS__); }             // debug
#define debug1d(c) fori(x,0,lsz(c)) { cerr<<'['<<x<<']'<<c[x]; } DEBUG();        // debug1d
#define debug2d(c) fori(y,0,lsz(c)) { cerr<<'['<<y<<']'<<sp; debug1d(c[y]); }    // debug2d
#define fori1(i,c) for(ll i=0;i<lsz(c);i++)                                      // for index container
#define fori2(i,f,l) for(ll i=f;i<l;i++)                                         // for index f to l
#define fori_overload(a,b,c,x,...) x                                             // for index overload
#define fori_args(a) fori_overload a                                             // for index args
#define fori(...) fori_args((__VA_ARGS__,fori2,fori1,~))(__VA_ARGS__)            // for index
#define forir1(i,c) for(ll i=lsz(c)-1;-1<i;i--)                                  // for index container reverse
#define forir2(i,f,l) for(ll i=f;l<i;i--)                                        // for index f to l reverse
#define forir_overload(a,b,c,x,...) x                                            // for index overload reverse
#define forir_args(a) forir_overload a                                           // for index args reverse
#define forir(...) fori_args((__VA_ARGS__,forir2,forir1,~))(__VA_ARGS__)         // for index reverse
#define forx_overload(a,b,c,d,x,...) x                                           // for each overload
#define forx_args(a) forx_overload a                                             // for each args
#define forx(...) forx_args((__VA_ARGS__,forx3,forx2,forx1,~))(__VA_ARGS__)      // for each
#define forx1(x,c) for(auto& x:c)                                                // for each x
#define forx2(x,y,c) for(auto& [x,y]:c)                                          // for each xy                          
#define forx3(x,y,z,c) for(auto& [x,y,z]:c)                                      // for each xyz
#define forx_overload(a,b,c,d,x,...) x                                           // for each overload
#define forx_args(a) forx_overload a                                             // for each args
#define forx(...) forx_args((__VA_ARGS__,forx3,forx2,forx1,~))(__VA_ARGS__)      // for each
#define forxr1(x,c) for(auto& x:adaptors::reverse(c))                            // for each x reverse
#define forxr2(x,y,c) for(auto& [x,y]:adaptors::reverse(c))                      // for each xy reverse
#define forxr3(x,y,z,c) for(auto& [x,y,z]:adaptors::reverse(c))                  // for each xyz reverse
#define forxr_overload(a,b,c,d,x,...) x                                          // for each overload
#define forxr_args(a) forx_overload a                                            // for each args
#define forxr(...) forxr_args((__VA_ARGS__,forxr3,forxr2,forxr1,~))(__VA_ARGS__) // for each
#define lam(...) =[&](__VA_ARGS__)->                                             // lambda
#define lamb [&]                                                                 // lambda begin
#define lame ()                                                                  // lambda end
#define inll(...) ll __VA_ARGS__; IN(__VA_ARGS__);                               // input ll
#define inld(...) ld __VA_ARGS__; IN(__VA_ARGS__);                               // input ld
#define inch(...) ch __VA_ARGS__; IN(__VA_ARGS__);                               // input ch
#define instr(...) str __VA_ARGS__; IN(__VA_ARGS__);                             // input str
#define indl(name,sz) dl name(sz); IN(name);                                     // input dl
#define invl(name,sz) vl name(sz); IN(name);                                     // input vl
#define inves(name,sz) vs name(sz); IN(name);                                    // input ves
#define invvl(name,y,x) vvl name(y,vl(x)); IN(name);                             // input vevell
#define invpll(name,sz,afix,bfix) vpll name(sz); INVP(name,afix,bfix);           // input vepall
#define in_graph(name,vsz,esz,vifix) graph name(vsz); ING(name,esz,vifix);                         // input graph
#define in_directed_graph(name,vsz,esz,vifix) graph<ll> name(vsz); INDG(name,esz,vifix);           // input directed graph
#define in_weighted_graph(name,vsz,esz,vifix) graph<ll> name(ndsz); INWG(name,esz,vifix);          // input weighted graph
#define in_weighted_directed_graph(name,vsz,esz,vifix) graph<ll> name(vsz); INWDG(name,esz,vifix); // input weighted directed graph 
const ch en='\n';                       // endl
const ch sp=' ';                        // space
const ll inf=2000000000000000000;       // infinity 2e18
const ll abc_max=26;                    // alphabet max size
const ll llong_max=9223372036854775807; // 9e18
const ld pi=numbers::pi;                // 3.14
const ll mod1=1000000007;               // mod 1e9+7
const ll mod9=998244353;                // mod 998244353
ll bcnt(ll x,ll b); bo bget(ll x,ll i); ll blen(ll x); vo bset(ll &x,ll i,bo b); 
vo copy(const auto& f, auto& t);
vl degin(graph& g); vl degout(graph& g);
template<class C>ll lower_bound_index(C& c, auto x); template<class C>auto lower_bound_value(C& c, auto x); template<class C>ll upper_bound_index(C& c, auto x); template<class C>auto upper_bound_value(C& c, auto x);
ll ldiv(ll a,ll b,bo ceil); ll llog(ll a, ll b, bo u); ll lpow(ll x, ll n); ll lsz(auto& c);
str tostr(ll x); str tolower(cstr& s); str toupper(cstr& s);
void DEBUG(void); void DEBUG(auto x); template<class H, class ... T>void DEBUG(H head, T ... tail);
void IN(); template<class H, class...T>void IN(H& head, T&...tail);
template<template<class...>class TE, class TY>struct IST;
template<template<class...>class TE, class...A>struct IST<TE,TE<A...>>;
ll at(auto& c,ll i) { return i<0?lsz(c)+i+abs(abs(i+1)/lsz(c))*lsz(c):i-(i/lsz(c))*lsz(c); }
ll atr(auto& c,ll i) { return i<0?(abs(i)-1)-((abs(i)-1)/lsz(c))*lsz(c):lsz(c)-1-(i-(i/lsz(c))*lsz(c)); }
ll bcnt(ll x,ll b) { return (b)?popcount(ull(x)):llog(2,x,true)-popcount(ull(x)); }
bo bget(ll x,ll i) { return (62<i)?0:bo(x&(1ll<<i)); }
ll blen(ll x) { return llog(2,x,true); }
vo bset(ll& x,ll i,bo b) { (b)?(x|=(1ll<<i)):(x&=~(1ll<<i)); }
vo copy(const auto& f,auto& t) { if(lsz(t)<lsz(f)) t.resize(lsz(f)); fori(i,0,lsz(f)) t[i]=f[i]; }
vl degin(graph& g) { vl deg(lsz(g)); fori(i,0,lsz(g)) for(auto& [vj,ey]:g[i]) deg[vj]++; return deg; }
vl degout(graph& g) { vl deg(lsz(g)); fori(i,0,lsz(g)) deg[i]+=lsz(g[i]); return deg; }
template<class C>ll lower_bound_index(C& c,auto x) { return lower_bound(all(c),x)-c.begin(); }
template<class C>auto lower_bound_value(C& c,auto x) { if constexpr(IST<set,C>::value) return *c.lower_bound(x); else return *lower_bound(all(c),x); }
template<class C>ll upper_bound_index(C& c,auto x) { return upper_bound(all(c),x)-c.begin(); }
template<class C>auto upper_bound_value(C& c,auto x) { if constexpr(IST<set,C>::value) return *c.upper_bound(); else return *upper_bound(all(c),x); }
template<class C>bo findb(C& c, auto x) { if constexpr(is_same_v<str,C>) { str p=x; return search(all(c),boyer_moore_searcher(all(p)))!=c.end(); } else if constexpr(IST<set,C>::value) return c.find()!=c.end(); else return find(all(c),x)!=c.end(); }
template<class C>ll findi(C& c, auto x) { if constexpr(is_same_v<str,C>) { str p=x; auto i=search(all(c),boyer_moore_searcher(all(p))); return (i==c.end())?inf:i-c.begin(); } else { auto i=find(all(c),x); return (i==c.end())?inf:i-c.begin(); } }
template<ll i,class T1,class T2>auto& get(const pai<T1,T2>& p) { return (i==0)?p.a:p.b; }
template<ll i,class T1,class T2,class T3>auto& get(const tri<T1,T2,T3>& t) { return (i==0)?t.a:(i==1)?t.b:t.c; }
template<ll i,class T1,class T2,class T3,class T4>auto& get(const qua<T1,T2,T3,T4>& q) { return (i==0)?q.a:(i==1)?q.b:(i==2)?q.c:q.d; }
template <class C> ll lcnt(C& c) { return ll(c.count()); }
template <class C, class X> ll lcnt(C& c, X x) { return ll(count(all(c),x)); }
ll ldiv(ll a, ll b, bo ceil){ return (!!ceil)?(a+b-1)/b:a/b; }
template<class C>ll lfind(C& c, auto x) { if constexpr(is_same_v<str,C>) return (c.find(x)==str::npos)?0:1; else return (c.find(x)==c.end())?0:1; }
ll llog(ll a, ll b, bo ceil) { ll now = 1, res = (!!ceil) ? 1 : 0; while (now < b) res++, now *= a; return (now != b) ? res - 1 : res; }
ll lpow(ll x, ll n) { if(n<0) return 0; if(x==2) return (1ll<<n); ll z=1; fori(i,0,n) z*=x; return z; }
ll lsz(auto& t){ return (ll)t.size(); }
ll llen(ll x){ return (ll)tostr(x).size(); }
void out(){ cout<<en; exit(0); }
template<class H, class...T>void out(H head, T ... tail){ cout<<fixed<<setprecision(8)<<head; out(tail...); }
template <class C> void outsp(C& c){ for(auto& e:c) cout<<fixed<<setprecision(8)<<e<<sp; out(); }
template <class C> void outen(C& c){ for(auto& e:c) cout<<fixed<<setprecision(8)<<e<<en; out(); }
template<class T>auto pop(T& c, ll i=inf){ if(i==inf) { auto r=c.back(); c.pop_back(); return r; } auto r=c[min(lsz(c)-1,i)]; fori(j,i+1,lsz(c)) c[j-1]=c[j]; c.pop_back(); return r; }
template<class T>auto popb(T& c) { auto r=c.back(); c.pop_back(); return r; }
template<class T>auto popf(T& c) { auto r=c.front(); c.pop_front(); return r; }
template<class T>void push(T& c, auto x, ll i=inf){ if constexpr(IST<set,T>::value) c.insert(x); else c.insert(c.begin()+min(lsz(c),i),x); }
template<class T>vo pushb(T& c, auto x) { if constexpr(IST<set,T>::value) c.insert(x); else c.push_back(x); }
template<class T>vo pushf(T& c, auto x) { if constexpr(IST<set,T>::value) c.insert(x); else c.push_front(x); }
ch toch(ll x) { return ch(x+48); }
str tostr(ll x) { return to_string(x); }
ll toll(ch c) { return ll(c)-48; }
ll toll(str& s) { return stoll(s); }  
str tolower (cstr& s){ str res; forx(x,s) push(res,tolower(x)); return res; }
str toupper(cstr& s){ str res; forx(x,s) push(res,toupper(x)); return res; }
template <class T> void itr_next(T& itr, ll INF) { if (*itr != INF) ++itr; }
template <class T> void itr_prev(T& itr, ll INF) { if (*itr != INF) --itr; }
template<class T>void make2d(T& cc, ll ys, ll xs) { cc.resize(ys); fori(y,0,ys) cc[y].resize(xs); }
template<class T, class X>void make2d(T& cc, ll ys, ll xs, X x) { cc.resize(ys); fori(y,0,ys) cc[y].resize(xs,x); }
bo range(ll x, auto& c) { return 0<=x&&x<lsz(c); }
bo range(ll y, ll x, auto& c) { return 0<=y&&y<lsz(c)&&0<=x&&x<lsz(c[y]); }
auto reverse_graph(graph& g) { graph res(lsz(g)); fori(i,0,lsz(g)) for(auto& [j,c]:g[i]) res[j].push_back({i,c}); return res; }
template <class T1, class ... T2> bool umax(T1& x, T2 ... args) { x=max({x,args...}); return !(max({args...})<x); }
template <class T1, class ... T2> bool umin(T1& x, T2 ... args) { x=min({x,args...}); return !(x<min({args...}));}
template <class T> T trim(T& c, ll l, ll r) { T t=T(); umin(r,lsz(c)); fori(i,l,r) push(t,c[i]); return t; }
template<ll i>void tsort(auto b, auto e) { sort(b,e,[&](const auto& l, const auto& r){return get<i>(l)<get<i>(r);}); }
void DEBUG(void) { cerr<<en; }
void DEBUG(auto x) { cerr<<x<<en; }
template<class H, class ... T>void DEBUG(H head, T ... tail){ cerr<<fixed<<setprecision(8)<<head<<','; DEBUG(tail...); }
void IN(){}
template<class H, class ... T>void IN(H& head, T& ... tail){ cin>>head; IN(tail...); }
template<class T, class U>void IN(pai<T,U>& p){ cin>>p.a>>p.b; }
template<class T>void IN(deq<T>& v) { forx(e,v) IN(e); }
template<class T>void IN(vec<T>& v) { forx(e,v) IN(e); }
void INVP(auto& v, auto afix, auto bfix){ forx(e,v) IN(e.a,e.b),e.a+=afix,e.b+=bfix; }
void ING(graph& g, ll esz, ll vifix) { ll vi,nvi; fori(e,0,esz) cin>>vi>>nvi,push(g[vi+vifix],edge{nvi+vifix,1}),push(g[nvi+vifix],edge{vi+vifix,1}); }
void INDG(graph& g, ll edsz, ll ndfix) { fori(e,0,edsz) { ll i,j; cin>>i>>j,i+=ndfix,j+=ndfix,g[i].push_back({j,1});} }
void INWG(graph& g, ll edsz, ll ndfix) { fori(e,0,edsz) { ll i,j,c; cin>>i>>j>>c,i+=ndfix,j+=ndfix,g[i].push_back({j,c}),g[j].push_back({i,c}); } }
void INWDG(graph& g,ll edsz,ll ndfix) { fori(e,0,edsz) { ll i,j,c; cin>>i>>j>>c,i+=ndfix,j+=ndfix,g[i].push_back({j,c}); } }
template<template<class...>class TE, class TY>struct IST:std::false_type {};
template<template<class...>class TE, class...A>struct IST<TE,TE<A...>>:std::true_type {};